Servicepos is close to a net worth of 100 million
That’s the headline in today’s newspaper at Erhverv+ Fyn. Servicepos is the retail system of the future for shops and service outlets. They have developed a complete PORead More

Fynsk virksomhed laver helt ny robot og skifter kunderne ud
Robotvirksomheden Robot at Work har det seneste års tid arbejdet hårdt på at finde deres plads i byggebranchen. Oprindeligt startede de med at lave robotter som skulle afhjælpeRead More

850 employees in Funen owned company will be getting a new owner: Former Odense owner sells it-company to equity fund
For more than 20 years, the Odense company Esoft has made sure that the real estate agents’ ads give the best impression. A private equity fund will from now on focus on scalRead More

TimeXtender sold for more than 500 mill. dkk.
After many years of hard work and more than 200 mill. dkk invested, TimeXtender has been sold to a Swedish equity fund for 500 mill. dkk. The deal, among other things, took place oRead More